Monday, January 30, 2006

I Wish I Were a Bear

I Wish I Were a Bear

If you're a bear, you get to hibernate.
You do nothing but sleep for six months.
I could get used to that.

And another thing: before you hibernate,
You're supposed to eat yourself stupid.
That wouldn't bother me either.

If you're a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business;
You swat anyone who bothers you or your cubs.
If your cubs get out of line, you swat them, too.

Your husband expects you to growl when you wake up.
He expects you to have hairy legs and excess body fat.
He likes it!

I wish I were a bear.

-Source unknown

Monday, January 23, 2006

Who's your bucket of cold water?

I feel like I've been eating too much these past few days and it annoys me, but its weird coz I always feel like wanting to munch on something. My cousin, knowing how such a weight freak I tend to be sometimes, gave me his first warning: "Tsk tsk, I gained 5 kilos the last time I was like that..." I couldn't say anything, I felt defenseless. I'm a dietitian and I'm supposed to know what to say. But I knew that I'm not on the right grounds since my cousin knows all the kinds of junk I have been stuffing myself lately. And thats what makes me feel so guilty, its driving me crazy. Plus, I have not been able to visit the gym that regularly since November 'cause I've been so busy.

Its been quite tiring the past weeks and I have so much to do. My youth group is opening our very first school outreach ministry so we've been quite on the run about that. And then theres band practice and too many things to write... and so many other tralala's. Too much to do really drives me insane. But so is not doing anything so I guess I'd rather do something. I can't anymore complain.

Too many things bug my head and I've been sharing them with my best buddy D and he called me a doof for thinking those things. I felt a splash of cold water all over me... like a little reality wake-up call. Sometimes when our heads get clouded with so many things, we tend to veer away from the realities of life and we get paranoid with some things and we freak out. We need people who would give us a little slap to wake up. I really thank D for being sorta like my reality checker... and my water bucket. He's fasting this week and we wont be chatting but I'm sure to get loads of water splashes from him again when he returns.

Yesterday I was on a little "fight" with my friend. Well, I wouldnt really call it a fight. I just had to be the one to tell his face that he did something wrong and what he did affected some of our other friends and our group as a whole. He was obviously hurt and he sulked in the corners the rest of the day and then he played the drums like he was in a mad fit. I was trying to decide within myself whether I did it the right way or not--telling him the things I said--but people confirmed it to me that he really needed a rebuke. Although I was beginning to get pissed at his actions, I wasnt too worried but sent him a note apologizing for my being "brutally frank". And my cousin (same guy who reminded me about weight watching), sort of rebuked me as well when I was beginning to make comments about how childish our friend was for abusing the drums. He was like, "Hey hey c'mon now, fix yourself!!!" Ooops, there goes another bucket of cold water splashed all over my face! First because my cousin is younger than myself and no one younger really has that much guts to say things like that to me. And second, because I knew I was indeed wrong.

Anyway, this morning I got an email from that drummer friend saying that I shouldnt be the one apologizing and he thanked me for saying all the things I said... and also for being a bit harsh (although I wouldnt say that was just "a bit"). He says it helped him grow up in a way. I guess I've just been someone's bucket of cold water.

Yea, sometimes we need a rebuke...or a slap...or a comment... or a knee-jerk quip from someone...or a splash of cold water just so that we'd wake up and realize we're not always right. ;)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

My baby has grown up

This is my baby beagle Whoopie. She's nine months old now (in human age count) and she's superrrrrrrrr!!!

"Money will buy a fine dog, but only love will make him wag its tail." I read this from the Encyclopedia of 15,000 Illustrations. Although I didnt really buy her coz she was given to me as a gift, everytime Whoopie wags her tail enthusiastically, licks my hand (or face if she reaches it) and excitedly jumps to reach my nose whenever I get home, I never cease to be amused. She does that to everyone in the family. Wow, she loves us! I wonder what she's really thinking.

Whoopie's like the youngest child in the family. And she's even more popular than any of us. Neighbors would pass by and they'd call her name and she knows all of them so whenever there's a new face (or smell), she'd bark like nuts! All of the kids love her too, I get jealous sometimes. Haha!

Whoopie sleeps in my brother's room. Of all the weirdest habits that she has, its her knocking on my door early in the morning to wake me up that I find most interesting. She's been doing that since she was little. Its as if to tell me, "Wake up, you have to work, you lazyhead!!!!" She's my official alarm clock and a pretty helpful one coz my mobile phone does not work for me anymore.

So this is Whoopie. Pretty soon she's gonna grow bigger and taller and have a boyfriend. I dunno what her plans are for the future but I wish her all the best! The biggest lesson that she has taught me is all about RESPONSIBILITY. (Wow, Whoopie! I dont know if youve succeeded teaching me that but thanks, I owe you one!)And I promise I'd be her best big sister ever! ;)

It's my little brother's birthday today, by the way! HAPPY BURPDAY, BRO!!! >:D<

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Love for a four-year old

This is my 4-year old niece, Shann, undoubtedly my favorite. She taught me the valuable lesson that there are lots of things that money CAN buy. But for everything else, there's a child's smile.

I remember the first time we were teaching her to say "I love you" and she'd say "Wuv yoooo..." And we would just keep telling her that everyday with the biggest hug we can give.

But now that she can say it on her own and better, she'd just bombard us with it till we can't anymore contain it.

"I love you." she'd say out of the blue.

"I know. You keep saying it."

"Yes. You might forget."

Isn't it true? We love people and we know that they know but it makes so much difference telling them. And although love is beyond words, it makes a big difference being told that we are loved than just simply knowing it in our heads, doesnt it?

This, we often forget and take for granted.

"I love you!!!" she'd yell for another time.

I'd smile. "And how big is that love?"

And she'd stretch out her arms as far and wide as she could (even falling sometimes). "As big as thissssssssssssssssssss..." For her, that's infinity. It's without measure.

And that's just the sweetest.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My Utmost for His Highest

GOD BLOGS DO NOT GET COMMENTS! (A friend told me that). People hate it. People squirm at the very thought of it. People clam up when they read it... if they ever read it. But here, I'm going to write a GOD BLOG anyway!

Here’s the stupid thing. We think we have everything. We think we’re so good. Sometimes it’s just too hard for us to admit that everything we have is never complete and everything we are will never really be good enough. No matter how we try to turn it inside and out, that’s how we often are.

Here’s another stupid thing. Most people long most commonly for these things: peace, love, happiness, abundant life, and purpose. They search everywhere and try everything… except God. The irony is that He is the source of all these. And no matter how we try to turn it inside and out, press it down or shake it together, that’s the truth that cannot be killed.

You might not find this the coolest blog I've ever posted, but I am more than happy to be posting it.

Everything I post here has served and continues to serve its purpose in my own life and you might want it for your life too. By sharing, I pay tribute to the One who deserves all the glory. PEACE OUT!!!


Pictures taken from booklet published by World Wide Publications (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Me and D and Baltimore City

2006 is my year of great expectancy! Not that I never expected great things to happen in the previous years but because I'm growing up (forward, thank Lordy), I feel that this year is going to be so much better. The Chinese call it the "Year of the Dog". But one of the very wise persons I look up to told me a few days ago that although we respect the Chinese folks' belief of the significance of that, we should rather stick with the claim that it is the "Year of the Overflow"!!! That's what she calls "Speaking Faith". Its like commanding your life to be what you want it to be coz, indeed, your life is most likely what you say it is (Just as you are what you think or say you are). So yea, I think its better to keep repeating in your head that you will have overflowing blessings this year than overflowing umm... dogs... hmmm?

1. As I wrote in my previous blog, I expect a lot of moving on's and changes. I feel like I've grown two rulers high in 2005(though I'm still vertically challenged). Moving on... because I'm awaiting my tickets to Baltimore!!! Manila is a great place and it's still my home (and the flying roaches don't change that fact) but the idea of Baltimore gives me the high because it's something different..and new. My aunt's paying for my fare and I'll be helping her tend her business. Its something exhilirating, firstly, coz I'm not sure what exactly I'm going to do and secondly, coz I've never really talked to my aunt all my life until now!!! But its great coz after all the troubles I had with the immigration papers for Australia that I have long been working on, Ive realized that maybe Australia isn't for me...YET. Its a great place and i've been dreaming to go there but I promised myself that I WILL GET THERE ONE DAY. But for now, Baltimore... woohoo!! (My good buddy Matt tells me its terribly cold there though...) :D

Its also great coz I would be in the same hemisphere as all of my Canadian friends and hopefully I'd have the chance to see them in my spare time (if I'd have any). My Canny goose friend Zak promised that he'd fly over to visit me sometime when he returns from his missionary trip to Guatemala and his best friend Rorrie says he'll tour me around Alberta during the spring (If I'm there already by that time)! That's another thing I look forward to with a huge grin.

Aside from all that, I'd also be only 4 hours away from New York City, my favorite place in the world!!! :D

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2. Another awesome thing I'm expecting this year is meeting up with my best goose, Dan (D, for We dunno where were meeting up yet though. We're going skydiving (arent we, D?), yipeeeeeeeeee!!! I dunno if that'll ever take away my fear of heights (or if I can really do it to begin with) but the thought rambles my head. We still have to see about that. He's going to be flying to Ireland too in March (from Australia) and so he himself anticipates a lot of exciting new things. But the best thing about D is not his "curly tops" or his boyish good-looks (uhrrrmmm...thats his own description) nor the hilarious song he wrote about me but that he's one real unadulterated unpretentious friend (who's a major goose like me). He has a good head on his shoulders (a dollar for that...mruwahahahaha!) and he always asks me questions I have to research on to be able to answer. Hehehe. This part of this blog is, well ok, a tribute to him (so D, smile ya goose!).

There's more but I have to go back to work...ahehehehe! Peace out!! :)

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Lessons of victory from a flying roach

I anticipate a lot of changes in my life this year. Changes are exciting for me... although scary sometimes. I ponder this cheesiness right now after a short battle with a flying roach, in which i emerged victorious! Ooh, sweet sweet victory! Let me describe this feat a little...

I was thinking of something so noble when suddenly this roach flies above me from out of nowhere! I was actually pondering my shortcomings in the previous year (Uhrrmmm...). Ok and trying to think of what to do with my blog template as well. And there, that ugly thing suddenly flies above me, disrupting all my thoughts. I tried not to scream (because hey, i've been proudly telling everyone in the house that I've "grown up"!). Yea, so maybe out of pride, i gathered all courage to attack that little ugly, smelly thing that came from out of nowhere. What was it doing in my room? Dang!

With all the boldness I have collected for myself, I picked up the Baygon Insect Spray and squirted a "fatal amount" all over that little ugly smelly piece of crap! Wooossshhh! (Of course I felt stupid after, as I always feel whenever I overdo the spraying attack considering that i'm battling with just ONE piece of that little ugly smelly piece of underground nuisance!) But it gave me great joy seeing it going insane in its near-death symptoms. The only problem was that it could fly and so while it tried to fight death in all its squirming ugliness, it kept flying around in its dizzy state. What a pest!

Ok, so I won that little battle yay (Congratulate me!!!)! But i didn't finish my blog template. And as work starts again soon (bye holiday break!), i dont think i can get back to it soon. I was talkin about changes at the start coz I think I'm the kind of person who tries to find ways to enjoy changes. Thats the same reason why I wanted to change the template. I dont like monotony. I love surprising and being surprised.

I have a feeling I might need to do a lot of moving on at the start of this year. I anticipate a lot of surprises (both good and bad) and in the same way, I'm also getting ready to surprise (in a good way). And I'm ready for whatever battle I may have to face. Got all my gears in place. I'm ready to laugh and cry and laugh some more and goose around a little (or okay, a big). One thing I realized is that whenever a door closes, a window always opens... or vice-versa.

So c'mon 2006, I'm ready!!!

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