1. My funds for the Thailand mission trip in May>> I can't wait to hear from my would-be sponsors
2. My "go signal" papers for Baltimore >> Until I get these, a lot of things can't happen yet, like:
-I can't take my American Dietetic Association (ADA) Exam
-I can't go to New York to meet up with my best friend D
-I can't meet up with my former roommate at Parkville
-I can't concentrate
These are the two things I am currently waiting for. Argh!
Lately, though, I have learned that it helps to forget about waiting (even for just a few minutes). One book I read talked about hustling while waiting. This means not being stupid just waiting and waiting but doing what you have to do while you wait. I could use that. You know, take time to smell the flowers, or just do my job instead of getting irritated that I'm still not getting these things. My mind has to rest. Where is my faith? Siiigghhh... (I dont feel Im making any sense but I know I got to my point.)