Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Today is a warped day. What's a warped day like? Simple. It is one that has the following characteristics in no particular order, which would manifest in you possibly all together or one at a time:

  1. Lack of coordination
  2. Inability to think (or walk) straight
  3. Slurred speech
  4. Incoherent blabbering
  5. Inexplicable gestures

And these are not induced by alcohol or drugs or any chemical substances. They just happen like some weird inexplicable phenomenon you can't control.

Here's a scenario....

I went by the grocery store just to pick up something before going to work. I saw an acquiantance, who I've seen for about four times already just this morning. So in staggering steps, I went up to her...

"Hi! What are you doing here?"

She just smiled. Duhhhhhh at me! She's grocery shopping, what the heck?!

"Errr-- I mean, I see you everywhere. You're ubiquitous!" I said. I thought I said that so fast I saw her eyebrows twitch.

"I'm what?" She asked with a short laugh, her eyes conspicuously showing that she thinks I must be on drugs on something.

"Oh nothin. Don't mind me, I'm a mental asylum escapee..." I said, in a dead seious tone that made it sound like I was saying something with so much sense.

"You're a what?" She laughed like there's no tomorrow. And I was drumming on the shelf (Why on earth?!)

I came to myself and I wondered why I said that. I forced a laugh and told her I should be shopping. But I wasnt really there to shop so I wondered again why I said that. But anyway, I left her... probably believing that I am really what I claim to be... a mental asylum escapee.

You get the point? Anywayzzz, I think I have developed this great liking for the word "warped". I don't know why, but it started when I was in the hospital (If you dont know the story, see my blog entitled "What The Heck?!" at Maybe its because I like how it sounds... and also 'cause thats how I see things sometimes.

I wrote a poem when I was in the hospital and it had the lines "My vision showed everything warped." But I wrote a new poem and entitled it "Warped". I figured I should give it a little independence and let the word stand by itself.


I wrote you something

But left it inside my head

Circling, hanging

Like a disease ready to spread.

And its going to burst

Anytime I decide

Like a little curse

That toppled on my pride.

For when I see you,

I remember all throughout

Like the times I had the flu

I wish to sneeze it all out.

But when I wrote you something,

I didnt have strength enough

To pretend I'm hurting

'Cause I'm not, I'm really not;

And what I feel right now

Are the knots in my stomach.

I'm tired somehow,

Somehow it's all warped.

I swiped a little dignity

But it turned out a scrap;

I suspended in monotony.

So I'm whispering,

Wishing I could go back

To the time I was wishing

That you would come back,

So I can let you know

What's hanging in my head.

But seeing your shadow

Leaves it all dead.

I'm out.

1 comment:

Ricky D said...

To steal an idea from my friend KC: Of all the words in the English language the most fitting one for how I'm feeling is "Wow." And I call myself a writer...

That poem was amazing. I really like the ending. Starting with "So I'm whispering..." Wow. Very cool, very powerful. The beginning is way cool, too. The symbolism of your words to this person banging around inside your head. I think we all get like that sometimes. You sit and think of something to say to someone and wait for the perfect time and it eats at you and you're bursting at the seams but it's never the right time or you don't want to get hurt and you just keep it inside until you don't even know where you end and these thoughts begin anymore. It's desperation and impatience and pain and longing and confusion... And then it becomes warped... Great piece, Kyla. I really connected with it. Well, I should get going.

Ricky D